Hidden in the ivy, ever so safe was a just born kitten. In fact there were 4. Mom decided to move them to an even safer place. Problem was that her counting ability was a little off and she only took 3. Little soft mews were heard all day but mom did not return. What to do, what to do? Kitten was cold now and hungry too. Sooooo, in the house he came. Made him a bottle and he sucked it right down. Just so happens we have a mom Chihuahua by the name of Salsa, with two week old puppies. Hmmmm, will she or won't she? And she did. The kitten is much smaller than the puppies; but no one seems to notice.
If you really concentrate, you can see that he is an off-white, and the one lying on top of the heap!
What a lucky kitty!! Give Salsa a high-five from me, what a Sweetheart!